Monday, 23 April 2018

City of Ashes Chapter 12: there was some wine involved

So I might have got a bit tipsy and decided to write (some) of this recap--maybe it'll make me funny? Maybe it'll just make it more difficult to edit, who knows!

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

The triumphant return and chapter 11 of City of Ashes!

Hello, hello!

A few things to say--first of all, I'm so sorry for abandoning this for nearly two years. Well, I say abandonment, but in reality, I always sort of knew I'd be putting this blog on hold while I travelled to Australia (click here if you'd like to read about my shenanigans there).

The point is, I'm back, and I have time to read again! And write snarky things! And boy, oh boy, do I have a lot of snark in me right now. In terms of projects, I will continue with The Mortal Instruments (because my hatred of Cassandra Clare still runs so, so deep), but I'll also be starting a new series come June!

As many of my friends know, I have a really deep-seated hatred for the literary canon; specifically, I'm really mad about what is still consistently taught in high schools and lower-level university courses as 'classic' literature while completely ignoring other seminal works that are often (read: always) more diverse.

So, starting this June, I will also be revisiting novels and stories that I studied in high school and university, discussing whether or not I think they need to be retired from the curriculum, and suggesting ones that can perhaps replace them. I will, of course, also continue the book reviews on my GoodReads of the books I'm reading right now as well.

I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, but at the moment those are the two I'm most sure will be happening, so stick around!

And now, of course, on to the recap!