Friday, 16 October 2015

Divergent Chapter 8: Why is it always spiders?!

Hey hey hey! Over 10k of academic words later and I finally feel like tackling Divergent again! We last left on a very intense cliffhanger ooh~

Basically, Tris has to make sure she does well in this weird hazing exercise to make sure she fits in somewhere for the rest of her life.

The more I describe this the more it sounds like a terrible Greek system in a bad movie, but whatever.

I can say this with absolute confidence: Elle Woods would be a Dauntless and she'd slay the initiation.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Divergent Chapter 5-7: How is this world existing?!

Weee! We’re back with Chapter Five! I hope you guys are enjoying my Booktube videos, and if you’re not—well, 30 seconds counts as a view so thanks for the view count!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

The return! Divergent Chapter 1 + News!

Hello, hello!

Well, my booktube is up and running and my videos are up and hopefully not completely terrible, so here’s my first review of Divergent!

The chapters in this novel are actually quite small (unlike some books I won’t name, coughTheMortalInstrumentscough) so I’m probably going to read a few chapters at a time. As well as, I have the physical hard copy of the book as opposed to an online one, so there will probably be a lot less quotations in this round of chapter-by-chapter blogging!

Are you guys ready? Yay!

actual photo of me writing these recaps

Monday, 13 July 2015


Hey guys!

Do you know of any good book bloggers/vloggers? Are you one? Because I would love to follow you. Drop me a comment down below!

Thursday, 9 July 2015

She lives! And her computer sort of does, too! Chapter 23 + Epilogue of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: Why the fuck didn't y'all tell me there was an epilogue? ALWAYS WARN SOMEONE THERE IS AN EPILOGUE.

actual footage of me
[Here's chapter one if you wanna re-live it!]

Okay, I know. It’s July and I’m finally updating and finishing this novel—I’m so sorry! My computer has hand-to-God been unable to stay on for longer than 2 minutes for the last three months. Thankfully, it happened after exams and final papers, but, still, it was not a fun time. I will most likely have to replace it soon but everyone cross their fingers that it lasts at least another few months!

Here it is, though! The last chapter (unless there’s an epilogue—oh god, is there an epilogue?) of this series.

I just checked, there’s an epilogue. Fuck my life.

sidenote: why is The Nanny not on Netflix yet

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Be back soon!

Hey y'all!

I know I'm just about to finish this book (and in a very special way!) but I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm gonna be absent from updating it for about two weeks or so. Basically my laptop has decided to stop staying on for extended periods of time (am I going to blame this on this stupid book? Probably) and combined with me finishing up a school semester it just means I have absolutely zero time to update!

Don't you worry, by the end of April I should hopefully be back and updating the plan for some new Celina Reads Books!

Love you guys!

- C

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Chapter 22 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: This chapter was way too long and I'm never going to forgive this novel.

Hola! I’ve got like three research papers I should be doing but I thought, ‘fuck it, why not do another blog entry?’

And here we are.

So we just left Luke’s weird, long, convoluted story behind and now we get to listen to Fairy talk again (joy upon joys!).

“Say something, Clary.”
“What do you want me to say?”
He sighed. “Maybe that you understand?”

Monday, 9 February 2015

Chapter 21 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: Werewolf McWerewolf and That Time I Included the Kanye Grammy Gif

Heeeeey everyone (including everyone that I know that has told me they read this stupid frickin’ blog and DON’T COMMENT ON IT AT ALL) it’s your favourite time of the week (or like... two three weeks. I’m a student, cut me some slack).

This whole chapter is from Luke’s (Werewolf McWerewolf of the series) point of view. That definitely sounds like a great time and not at all boring—

how I feel about this whole ordeal

Luke begins his story discussing how Fairy’s mom and him were childhood friends.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Chapter 20 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: As If I Needed Another Reason to Ignore My Papers

Hey y’all!

It’s been pointed out to me that the cliffhanger we were left with last time is almost identical to the Harry/Dumbledore/Draco scene in The Lightning Struck Tower, wherein Fairy is immobilised behind a wall, and a betrayal happens in front of her that she does not understand (and that I’m sure later on we will learn was planned or had some noble motive behind it).

I mean it just seems really familiar....

Friday, 16 January 2015

Chapter 19 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: I Got to Use So Many Cat .gifs In This Update, So I'm Really Pleased.

Hello, hello!

We are in the final stages of this book! I have 200 pages of reading in each class on average per week but my god we are going to finish this.

Fairy has just pulled the cup out of the tarot card, and apparently no one is impressed:

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Chapter 18 of The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: Something is Finally Happening! Well, Sort Of.

Hey hey guys! It’s time to find out what kind of overdramatic makeup Fairy, Simon, and Jace are gonna have!

We last left them after Fairy kissed Jace on a rooftop, and then Simon caught them, and it was all very soap opera, oh... and I think there was something about a plot in there somewhere, but I can’t quite remember it.

This chapter switches and is told from Jace’s point of view... I’m sure the author has a great reason for this, and I hope it’s not so that we can get Fairy’s super Special Beauty described to us over and over:

She was clutching her sketchpad, her bright hair escaping out of its braids. He leaned against the door frame, ignoring the kick of adrenaline the sight of her produced. He wondered why, not for the first time. Isabelle used her beauty like she used her whip, but Clary didn’t know she was beautiful at all. Maybe that was why.