First, I’d like to apologise for being such a level 10 butt and not updating for two whole weeks, because apparently I got super busy and couldn’t deal with it. So, yeah, my bad!
I last left this book on an intolerable cliffhanger, obviously, since I didn’t think about this story the whole two weeks, which is exactly what you want as a writer. We found out that Valentine (Voldy) was married to Fairy’s mom, which... I guess is something I didn’t see coming. But the thing is, she never dropped any hints that this was a possibility to the reader the whole time, so it’s not really a big reveal if she just held all the cards under the table and was like ‘nothing to see here! Move along!’ until she decided she was ready. Part of the fun of reading is guessing what’s behind the cards.
Hodge raised his hands wearily. “Children—”
“I’m not a child.” Clary spun away from the desk.
Ah, the wonderful “I’m not a little girl anymore omg!!!11!!” line, slotted in to make all the teenagers reading this novel feel older. I get it, I definitely felt like an adult at 15, but man is it weird to read this as an actual adult, because... yes you are, Fairy.